Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome 2009!!!

Happy New Year!! I am excited about this new year. 2008 ended with such blessings and I know God has more for me!! My New Year resolution is to memorize scriptures and be more about God's business. I am in partnership with all the siestas on the Living Proof Ministries blog while memorizing scripture. If you haven't visited that blog, you really should and here is the link: There is no telling what you will read there but I promise you it will be very amusing!!

The scripture I am memorizing for the first 15 days of January is Romans 8:6 which states "The mind of a sinful man is death, but the mind led by the Spirit is life and peace;". I am so proud to say I didn't even have to grab my Bible to type it!! WoooHooo!!! Go me, go me, I rock, I rock. OK, so enough of the gloating!!

After reading and meditating over that piece of scripture, I offer a few thoughts:
1. Oh our minds are so powerful. Our minds can be the life or death of us (along with our mouth). Think about it, if we THINK we feel bad, we feel bad. If we THINK someone doesn't like us, we don't like them. If we THINK about a comment someone has made that ticks us off, we get mad at that person. Remember the commercial that said, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste"? It is so true!! Don't waste your mind on the negative stuff or you will stay in a turmoil. Train your mind to think positive otherwise, you will always be subject to doom and gloom which is what Satan wants!!

2. If we put forth the effort (you see, it isn't second nature, you have to condition yourself) to let our thoughts be led by the Spirit, we will have life and peace. I'm here to tell you, ain't nothing like the peace of God. If you are in His peace, life will automatically be there.

If you think about it, it really goes hand in hand. Yes, you can have what you think is life but until you are in the peace of God, you really don't have life, and I am speaking from experience. Yes, I've had the big, nice homes; the nice vehicles; the name brand clothing and I thought I was living the life. Little did I know, there was nothing about that that was life. It wasn't until I developed a deep relationship with God did I really know what life was!! I'm not saying you can't live in big houses or drive new cars and not have a close relationship with God. I'm saying if those things are so important to you to have that "fulfilled" feeling, they are your god. I have been there, done that, bought the T-shirt, and sent it back.

You have to work at that peace because there is an enemy out there that will do his dangdest to get you out of that peace. Train your mind to stay in the peace of God and you will have life and have it abundantly!!

Blessings to all!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Houston, Are You There?

Can you believe it??? I logged out and now I am back in!!! Wooo Hoooo!!!!! I am SO proud of ME!!!!! OK, so now I must collect myself and my thoughts and decide what to blog about tomorrow (I think getting signed in and out and back in is enough for one day)!!! Anywho, I don't know if I will blog daily or not but I will blog and post my thoughts on random things from what is going on in my life to what is going on in my community, state, and world.

Until next time, think about this: In this way I will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions. Exodus 16:4b What grade would you have made on your test?

Well, Well, Well

Can you believe it?? I just created my very own blog. My kids will be SO proud of me!! Now the question is: Do I know how to get back to this page so I can add stuff??? Oh dear, I will try later.

I have been thinking about creating a blog for a while to share my random thoughts about things and get a little feedback on those thoughts. I am going to try and get out of this blog thingy and re-enter. Wish me luck!!!

Houston, I am ready for departure.............